MD247 Loveville Road Water Main Replacement – Phase 2

New water main locations and properties affected by Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the project.
The existing system (known as the King Kennedy Water System) was built in the 1970’s as an independent stand-alone water system to serve King Kennedy Estates and the Loveville Acres residential developments. MetCom subsequently assumed ownership and operation of this system, which serves approximately 63 properties. Although only 50 years old (useful life is approximately 65 years for cement pipe), the water mains do not meet current MetCom specifications, are undersized and have ongoing maintenance issues. Additionally, due to the line sizes, the fire hydrants are inoperable.
Project Scope of Work
Phase 2:
Phase 2 of this project will affect customers inside the King Kennedy Subdivision on Independence Drive, Barnes Court, King Drive, and Kennedy Court. This project will replace approximately 1085 linear feet (LF) of 4” galvanized pipe, 1915 LF of 6” galvanized pipe, and 365 LF of 8” galvanized pipe with approximately 3325 LF of 8” PVC inside both the county Right of Way and Private Property. The upgrade will re-connect approximately 40 residential houses (see exhibit above) and should provide increased fire protection (hydrants). It will also connect into the existing water mains where phase 1 left off on King Drive, Independence Drive, and the new King Kennedy Ground Storage tank and Booster station. Project construction is expected to start in fall of 2025. Phase 1 of this project is under construction and set to be completed in Spring of 2025.
Customer Impact
Residents in the area should expect minor traffic impacts during the construction. Please speak with our on-site construction inspector or call the project manager below with any traffic concerns.
Water Service:
Residents in the area should expect minor interruptions to water service during construction. Residents will receive notice before any water service interruptions during the construction.
Sewer Service:
This area is not connected to public sewer and the project will have no impact on the public sanitary system.
Phase 2 design contract is expected to be awarded in Fall 2024
Construction is expected to start in the Fall of 2025 and is expected to be completed by the Spring of 2026.
Public Notices
Public Meeting:
A Public Meeting Notice date and time will be sent to all residents affected prior to construction.
Project Location

Project Contacts
Joshua Woodburn – METCOM Project Manager: (301) 737 – 7400 x 307
(Please email any questions or concerns to
Ronald Delahay – METCOM Senior Inspector: (240) 298 – 0074
Chris Soussanin – METCOM Chief of Construction: (301) 737 – 7400 x 311